General terms of sale

Online ticket sales

These general terms of sale apply to the online sale of admission tickets to the Gallic Village in RIEUX-VOLVESTRE near TOULOUSE. Payments are received through the secure platform “paybox3Dsecure”.

1- Terms of purchase of admission tickets

Online purchase without fees.

2- Payment

Payment by credit card (French cards/Eurocard-Mastercard/Visa) only. Payment must be made in euros. The date of the proof of payment is established on the date of the order. Credit card transactions are secured by the “paybox 3DSecure” system.

 3- Order confirmation and proof of payment

An e-mail is sent to you at the contact details provided when the order is placed. It confirms payment and contains the links/attachments enabling you to view your admission tickets.

 4- Issuance of tickets

The customer can choose to:
– print the ticket at home,
– view the admission tickets on a tablet or smartphone (as the ticket inspectors are not authorised to handle your devices, you will be responsible for presenting the ticket without further handling by our staff).

 5- The tickets provide

– Access to the 12 hectares of the site and the buildings open to visitors.
– Access to the entire main visitor trail (2 km, to be travelled on foot) with explanation signs along the way.
– Access to all the activities scheduled on the day of your visit.
– Quiz game given out to all children.
– Access to the documentary projection room
– Access to the souvenir shop
– Access to the relaxation area (shaded terrace, cold drink and snack vending machines)
– Access to the restaurant-snack bar area (open in High Season only)
– Access to themed trails during special events.

 6- Cancellations and refunds

The tickets are not refundable or exchangeable. Article L. 121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code states that the provision of accommodation, transport, catering and leisure services that must be provided on a specific date or in a specific period does not fall within the scope of the right of withdrawal set out in the Consumer Code. Booking fees (if charged) are also non-refundable.

7- Terms of admission with an electronic ticket

The electronic ticket or e-ticket (for printing at home) provides direct access to the Gallic Village. However, in case of loss, theft or fraudulent use, including illegal reproduction of your tickets, no access will be allowed. In this case, the Gallic Village will not give any refunds.

 8- Other booking method

Tickets may be purchased on site at no extra cost for a visit on the same day.

Sur place, le Village Gaulois accepte les espèces, cartes réseaux Carte Bleue, visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, les chèques, chèques vacances ANCV CLASSIC, chèques vacances ANCV CONNECT, et Chèques Culture (Groupe UP).

Il est précisé que les Chèques Culture ne sont pas acceptés à la boutique et au Snack.

 9- Personal data – Right of access (CNIL)

n accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act, the customer has the right to access, rectify and object to data which concern them and are necessary for processing their orders.
To exercise any of these rights, the customer must send a request:
– by e-mail to:
– or by mail to: Le Village Gaulois, L’Archéosite – 3657 route de Saint Julien – 31310 RIEUX VOLVESTRE

10- Free admission

Persons entitled to free admission:
– Children under 4 years old
Proof of identity may be required at reception.

11- Reduced rate

Reduced rate are granted only on site upon compulsory presentation of currently valid supporting documentation:

  • – Students and high school students : upon presentation of the currently valid card.
  • – Job seekers : certificate of less than 3 months of validity to be downloaded on the site of Pôle Emploi.
  • – People with disabilities : upon presentation of the disability card delivered by a MDPH (Departmental Home for Disabled Persons) and a CDAPH (commission for the rights of disabled persons to independance).
  • – Large families : upon presentation of the “large family” card.
  • – Teachers : upon presentation of their professional ID card.

In certain circumstances, you can be asked to present an ID card.

Reduced rates differ depending on the period : Prices for individuals and families.

12- Customer service

Le Village Gaulois, L’Archéosite – Service client – 3657 route de Saint Julien – 31310 RIEUX VOLVESTRE
E-mail address:

13- Applicable law – Disputes

The sales referred to herein are subject to French law. Any dispute will be handled by the competent courts.

Groups and Professionals

1- Pricing terms


a) School/leisure centre packages

To benefit from the school/leisure centre packages, the group must comprise a minimum of 20 paying persons visiting the park on the same day and having made a prior booking request to our team. If there are fewer than 20 pupils present, a flat rate equivalent to the price for a group of 20 pupils applies. In other cases, the individual rate applies. One accompanying person per group of 10 pupils is granted free admission, except for nursery schools, for which two accompanying persons per group of 10 pupils are granted free admission.

b) Group packages

To benefit from the group packages, the group must comprise a minimum of 20 paying persons visiting the park on the same day and having made a prior booking request to our team. If there are fewer than 20 persons present, a flat rate equivalent to the price for a group of 20 persons applies. In other cases, the individual rate applies.

c) Group packages with meals

To benefit from the group packages with meals, the group must comprise a minimum of 25 paying persons visiting the park on the same day and having made a prior booking request to our team. If there are fewer than 25 persons present, a flat rate equivalent to the price for a group of 25 persons applies. In other cases, the individual rate applies.

d) Seminar package

To benefit from the seminar package, the group must comprise a minimum of 25 paying persons visiting the park on the same day and having made a prior booking request to our team. If there are fewer than 25 persons present, a flat rate equivalent to the price for a group of 25 persons applies. In other cases, the individual rate applies.

d) Birthday package

To benefit from the birthday package, the group must comprise a minimum of 10 paying persons visiting the park on the same day and having made a prior booking request to our team. If there are fewer than 10 persons present, a flat rate equivalent to the price for a group of 10 persons applies. In other cases, the individual rate applies. Two accompanying persons are granted free admission.

e) Works council tickets

Special rates on individual tickets are granted to organisations such as works councils providing proof of status, as well as service committees. To qualify, an order must be placed for at least 20 individual tickets, whether for Adults or Children. The tickets are valid for 2 seasons, the current season and the next, and are neither exchangeable nor refundable. These tickets are billed upon ordering. These tickets are not valid in the purple period. The order form is available on the website.

2- Bookings

All bookings must be made by phone, e-mail or mail, no later than three weeks before the date of the visit (as early as possible for the months of May and June). The booking request must always state the number of visitors, category of visitors and desired day or days. The agreement will be sent by e-mail or mail by the booking department.
The agreement provided must be completed, signed and returned by mail to the Gallic Village.
When ordering group packages with meals, the signed agreement must be accompanied by the choice of menu. Otherwise, if this information is not received 15 days before the date of the visit, the Gallic Village will be forced to draw up the menu without any input from the customer.
The signing of a booking agreement entails unrestricted acceptance by the customer or their agent of these terms.

3- Down payments

The booking becomes firm and will be considered definitive by the Gallic Archeosite only after payment of a minimum down payment of 30% of the total booking price when you send in your form. This form must be sent before the option end date: otherwise the options will not be maintained.
In case of payment by administrative mandate, please send us an order form from the paying agency.

4- Payment of down payments

Down payments can be paid by cheque made out to Archéosite Gaulois, by bank transfer on request, or by credit card.
Down payment cheques will be cashed on the day of the visit.

5- Booking confirmation

The Gallic Village will confirm your booking by mail or e-mail.
If you have not received your booking confirmation, please contact the booking department on 05 61 87 16 38.
Group numbers must be confirmed in writing 15 days before the visit.
In the case of group packages with meals, group numbers must be confirmed in writing 7 working days before the date of your visit.

6- The day of the visit

The group leader is asked to introduce themselves to the guide upon arrival, bringing the booking agreement with them.
Under no circumstances will the Gallic Village be responsible for any delay to the group’s arrival, and the consequences that this delay will have on the progress of the day. It is advisable to arrive at least 15 min before the start of the day.
Picnics are prohibited inside the village. Consequently, meals can be eaten in the landscaped and covered picnic area at the site entrance. We rely on everyone to behave responsibly and leave the site as you found it.
The behaviour of pupils/children remains the responsibility of teachers and/or accompanying persons. Please do not leave them unattended in the park.

7- Payment of the balance

The balance is payable on the day of the visit, with the exception of government agency payments involving issuance of an order form from the paying agency, sent at the time of booking.
At the till, the manager can pay by cash, cheque or credit card. Individual payment per participant will not be accepted.
Before going to the till, the group leader shall take care to check the exact number of people in the group (group members, accompanying persons, bus drivers).

8- Modification or cancellation of the booking


a) Modification by the customer

Requests for modification of confirmed bookings must be made in writing (mail, fax or e-mail). Modifications shall only be deemed to be accepted upon receipt of a confirmation message from the Gallic Archeosite.
The bill will be based on the number indicated at the time of booking. The absence of up to 10% of the group will be tolerated for all the services, subject to meeting the required number of visitors stated in Article 1 above. Beyond this percentage, the rest of the absent persons will be charged for all the services.
In the case of group packages with meals, the bill will be based on the number of visitors indicated 7 days before the date of the visit.

b) Cancellation by the customer

Any cancellation must be notified by ordinary mail, fax or e-mail.
Any cancellation will be billed under the following conditions if it occurs:
– Between D-1 and D-Day: billed for 100% of the cost (even if only a partial cancellation)
– Between D-2 and D-8 inclusive: billed for 80%
– Between D-9 and D-15 inclusive: billed for 50%
– Between D-16 and D-30 inclusive: billed for 30%
– Beyond D-30: no billing
If the cancellation does not take place within the deadlines above, down payments will be cashed and a bill calculated according to the above conditions will be sent to you by mail or e-mail.
In the case of a payment by administrative mandate involving issuance of an order form from the paying agency, the latter undertakes to pay the bill that will be sent to it.

9- Force majeure

The management of the Gallic Village reserves the right to cancel any booking if events of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances compel it, including but not limited to: strike action, fire, water damage, impossibility of access, etc. In such a case, the Gallic Village may suggest another date to visit the site.

10- Liability and insurance

The Gallic Village shall not be held liable for damage of any kind to personal effects, objects or equipment brought in by visitors, and in particular fire and/or theft. The signatory of the agreement is liable for any direct or indirect damage that any of its members may cause when present in the park or buildings.

11- Personal data – Right of access (CNIL)

In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act, the customer has the right to access, rectify and object to data which concern them and are necessary for processing their orders.
To exercise any of these rights, the customer must send a request:
– by e-mail to:
– or by mail to: Le Village Gaulois, L’Archéosite – 3657 route de Saint Julien – 31310 RIEUX VOLVESTRE

12- Applicable law

These terms of sale are governed by French law. In the absence of an amicable settlement, any dispute concerning their interpretation and/or execution is a matter for the French courts.

13- Miscellaneous

a) Absence of right of withdrawal

Article L. 121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code states that the provision of accommodation, transport, catering and leisure services that must be provided on a specific date or in a specific period does not fall within the scope of the right of withdrawal set out in the Consumer Code.
Therefore, the services ordered are exclusively subject to the terms of cancellation and modification provided for herein.

b) Professional civil liability insurance

The Gallic Village – Archeosite holds a Professional Civil Liability insurance policy with MAIF – 200 Boulevard Salvador Allende – 79038 NIORT CEDEX.


Groups and school, the Gallic Village welcomes you all year long on reservation!

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